Where Are You Going?

Still a few kilometers from the Forbidden City I stood at a crossroads.
As I was looking down at the map a wiry middle-aged Chinese man approached and asked, “Forbidden City?”

“Yes. Forbidden City,” I said.

He pointed across the street and said, “Rickshaw. Two yuan.” The U.S. equivalent of 32¢.

I declined.

He insisted, “Too far!” He produced a map from his pocket and showed me it was — indeed — too far for any one person to ever walk unassisted.

Smiling I said, “I like walking.” I pointed to the map and showed him the hotel I walked from. We both knew I was at the halfway point in the journey.

He saw my resolve. “Okay. Bye bye.”

After touring the Forbidden City another man at the exit wanted to give me a ride in his rickshaw. I again said no. He asked, “Where you going?”

I slowly exhaled, “I don’t know.”

And I still don’t.

One response

  1. Rusty Avatar

    You’re on the mark here and certainly not alone. I think the same things a lot!


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