Losing Job Led To First Film

Eight years ago I lived a real cubicle lifestyle.

It was a real job. I had a real boss. I was making real money and had real paid-time-off.

So I bought a real condo, took on real debt, and was a real adult.

Then in the fall of 2008 the mortgage industry — my industry — started hemorrhaging employees. Hundreds of thousands of people were out of work through no fault of their own. I was laid off along with all of my other co-workers. Our office building became a graveyard.

I did exactly what I thought Society demanded and was caught in the crossfire. Rightfully, I was angry.

Getting laid-off did teach me, however, that there are no safe jobs. Everyone is disposable and replaceable. (That’s a lot of black/white thinking, I know!)

That’s when I decided to pursue acting. I knew the statistics. I knew it’d be tough. But really, at that point in my life: how could pursuing a dream be any more risky than not pursuing a dream to work a 9-to-5?

It was two weeks after my last day in corporate America when I started working in front of the camera.

Not only did I not know how to act on camera (you’ll see), I also didn’t know how pursuing acting could bring so many talented amazing people into my life…

Like the students at MCTC who directed/shot/edited this first film in November 2008.

MCTC film, To Rest In Peace Our last shot together

In the many years since, I’ve worked with these folks repeatedly. From independent shorts, full lengths, music videos, and commercials — we keep running into each other and working together.

I love these guys. Especially Alex, Biruk, Matt, Muluken, and Ryan. They make everything fun. The conversations and experiences we’ve shared over the years have shaped me into the man I am today. I am forever grateful to them…

And it all started with this short film.


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