Up Next: The Remember Project


Remember-Logo-Final-300x300I’m excited to announce I’ll be touring this fall throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin with The Remember Project!

The Remember Project is a pilot program from the St. Croix Valley Foundation intended to stimulate a community conversation around Alzheimer’s disease by presenting The MemoryCare Plays.

The MemoryCare Plays consist of three one-acts: Steering Into the Skid, by Arnold Johnston and Deborah Ann Percy; Riding the Waves, by L.E. Grabowski-Cotton; and Matthew Widman’s In the Garden.

Matt Sciple is directing the three shows. Stage management by Kristin Detailleur. Denise Baker, Heidi Fellner, Charles Numrich, Jim Pounds, Andrew E Wheeler and I comprise the acting company.

In addition to performing in In The Garden and understudying Riding the Waves, I’ll be facilitating conversations about how our communities can become more dementia-friendly.

Check out the events page for performance locations, dates, and times. More information will be added as it becomes available.

Taken on 8/7 before the company read-thru for The Remember Project.
Taken on 8/7 before the company read-thru for The Remember Project. @michaelvenske via Instagram

Below you can learn more about The Remember Project & The MemoryCare Plays.

The rehearsal process starts this week and I can’t wait!

More info as it happens!

Thanks for reading, friends!

(If you’re a member of my email newsletter, you’ve known this since early July. If you’re not, sign-up now!)


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