UPCOMING: Chicken Hat Plays 20th Anniversary

This Saturday, June 24, Rubber Chicken Theater’s Chicken Hat Plays, are celebrating 20 years and you’re invited!

What are the Chicken Hat Plays?

We kick everything off on Friday evening at 7PM (June 23) at the Harbor City School in Duluth, Minnesota, where a bunch of community-sourced prompts are put into the hats: a who, a what, and a where. A handful of writers randomly pull prompts and then go off to write a ten-minute script incorporating those prompts.

On Saturday (June 24) a bunch of actors and directors meet at 8AM. Then the director’s names are pulled out of hats to direct each piece and then the cast is created the same by — pulling names out of a hat.

It’s the most random fantastic collaboration explosion of awesome. Please come. Join us. Witness all the zany fun!

  • Eight writers
  • Eight directors
  • A whole bunch of actors.
  • Eight world-premiere plays in 24 hours.

These plays don’t exist now, but you can be in the room when they’re born on June 24!

When are the Chicken Hat Plays?

  • Saturday, June 24 @ 7:30PM
  • Harbor City International School, 332 W Michigan St, Duluth, MN 55802


Dance Attic performing in all eight plays!


Eight mystery celebrities will appear in each show! No one knows who they are until they hit the stage!

Cost? $20 – for a lifetime of memories!

Get Tickets by calling (218) 213-2780.

Can’t wait to see y’all there!


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