MICHAEL VENSKE is the host and producer of Your Funeral Music on Frogtown Community Radio and a celebrant at Humans Love Stories.
As a creator/performer, Michael entered the solo theatre world in 2012 with Thumbs Up, a coming of age story about a father, son, and bonsai tree. The show premiered in Washington, D.C., as part of the Capital Fringe Festival where the DC Theatre Scene said…
“…the improv-trained Venske is at his best, unafraid to bust a move or pull out a silly dialect. His intensity is impressive, and each short scene ends on a poignant or fun note.”–DC Theatre Scene
Venske’s most recent full-length solo work, Home, is based on the three years he taught English to primary and middle school students in Zibo, Shandong, China. The show examines the juxtaposition of what home looks like, feels like, and means from Minnesota to China and back again. It premiered in the summer of 2018 at the Minnesota Fringe Festival.
Pieces of Mr. Venske’s experience living abroad are also published in a coffee table book, A Different Perspective: Expat Life, which explores the unique viewpoints expats have and how their adventures shape their perceptions of home.
Recurring themes include family and place, environment and public health matters sprinkled with cheeky pops of comedic energy.
Michael Venske was trained at, and is a former company member of, America’s oldest satirical comedy theater, Brave New Workshop.
Michael makes his home in Saint Paul with his partner and his puppy.
- Celebrant, Humans Love Stories
- Host/Producer, Your Funeral Music
- Precinct Election Judge, Minnesota Secretary of State
- Spotlight Evaluator, Spotlight Education/Hennepin Arts
- Volunteer, Threshold Choir
- Board Member, Morels & Memories
- Board Member, Frogtown Tuned In
- Best Actor; The Murder Mystery Co.; Minneapolis, MN; 2018
- The Knot’s Best of Weddings 2018; Liz Rae Weddings; Minneapolis, MN; 2017
- Overall Best Performance, Most Creative, & Best Actor; Something Something Juliet; ZBCT, Zibo, China; 2012
- Hot Mic; North Suburban Beat; Host; CTV, Roseville, MN; 2011
- Best Dark Comedy; Someone, Something; New York International Independent Film & Video Festival; NYC; 2010
- Voted Audience’s Favorite Show; The Chinchillas in Master Works series; Actor; Minneapolis, MN; 2009
- Grand Champion & Purple Ribbon Winner; Public Speaking; Minnesota State Fair; 2001